Cultivating a Culture of Excellence and Safety

COL Morris L. Bodrick
Commander, U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center

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An initiative that has helped to cultivate a culture of safety and prevent complacency is Second Whistle, an ATC video series on important safety topics relevant to the ATC workforce and mission and presented in an engaging and educational way. In addition, morning “employee safety huddles” center on that day’s operations and the potential hazards workers will face.

Supporting and performing tests safely can be challenging, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be fun and rewarding. Currently, a new safety awards program is being rolled out, and our first “Vehicle Safety Rodeo” will soon be held to further encourage our team members to incorporate safety into every action and decision.

A direct correlation exists between employee health/wellness and safety. This year, an exercise room was established, with scheduled lunchtime exercise opportunities. Every 6 weeks, employees take part in a themed walk/run event.

Together with the Army Wellness Center, ATC implemented bimonthly wellness checkups. This has resulted in comradery, teamwork and increased awareness of employees as our greatest resource!

Promoting “Excellence in Safety” is good stewardship of our resources. Safety is not an isolated concept; it is inextricably linked to our organization and environment.

Ultimately, our workforce forms the ATC culture and drives our success. Developing, growing and protecting our team and our mission are central to the ATC culture and the caliber of testing performed here in the defense of our great nation.